A cluster will radiate energy out into the surrounding environment as well as absorbing negative energy.
They can be programmed and left in place to do their work. They are especially useful for cleansing a room or other crystals. It removes EMF risks by stimulating the free flow of energy.
It’s also used for protection and for transforming bad vibrations into good ones.
Cluster-Crystals are used for meditation and healing purposes. They can expand the mind to reach the spirit world.
Celestite - 290g
Chakras: Crown/Third Eye/Throat
Elements: Air/Water
Zodiac: Gemini/Libra/Cancer/Aries
Metaphysical Properties:
- Celestite is the stone of Heavenly Communication and connects you to the angelic realm, it will help you connect you to your spirit guides and guardian angels.
- It is a high vibrational and will encourage you to discover spiritual enlightenment.
- Useful for stimulating clairvoyant communication, clairaudience abilities and dream recall, out of body journeys, it brings peace to a fractured aura and brings a sense of belonging to lonely souls.
- Activates and open the throat, third eye and crown chakras, it will clear the auric field and attachments of all kinds.
- Will calm a chaotic mind and dispense worries, promoting mental clarity and helps stop the mental chatter.
- Keep celestite on your desk to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
- Promotes purity of heart and attracts good fortune and helps you manifest abundance.
- Beneficial for those in creative fields such as art, music, and design due to its unique properties.
- Brings in deep peace, with its calming effect celestite can cool fiery emotions. It brings in balance and alignment, hope and optimism and it is wonderful for healing sadness, grief or despair.
- Superb for managing conflicts and promoting a peaceful environment during times of strain. A highly effective for reducing stress, dispelling worries and fears, easing suspicions or paranoia and instilling a sense of safety and protection.
- Great to carry to alleviate fears of travel, large crowds speaking or eating in public.
Price is for 1 only
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
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