A cluster will radiate energy out into the surrounding environment as well as absorbing negative energy.
They can be programmed and left in place to do their work. They are especially useful for cleansing a room or other crystals. It removes EMF risks by stimulating the free flow of energy.
It’s also used for protection and for transforming bad vibrations into good ones.
Cluster-Crystals are used for meditation and healing purposes. They can expand the mind to reach the spirit world.
Angel Aura Quartz - Cluster 297g
Chakras: Crown
Elements: Air
Zodiac: Aquaris
Angel Aura Quartz is Clear Quartz bonded with Silver and Platinum, and carries an extremely peaceful and loving energy.
Metaphysical Properties:
- Angel Aura Quartz is a perfect crystal for use when meditation especially for those who struggle to quieten the mind.
- Helps you to connect to the angelic realm and to higher dimensions and is excellent for use in Out of Body Experiences, and astral travel.
- Assists you to unleash your inner magic and connect with the ethereal world of unicorns.
- Exudes a magical aura, boosts spirits, and promotes appreciation for inner radiance and the wonder of the natural world.
- Brings deep insights into relationships on all levels, and assists in letting go of karmic ties which may be linked from a past life.
- Helps you gain clarity and vanquish anxiety or low vibration thoughts, especially for people who struggle with overthinking or worry.
Price is for 1 only
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
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