This crystal pack contacts 5 gemstones that will aid you whilst Traveling .
Amethyst: a protective stone that repels negative energy and offers protection from thieves.
Black Tourmaline: ideal for warding off jet lag and combating the negative energy other travelers may be projecting.
Tigers eye: is known to be the travelers most protective stone, is grounding and promotes patience.
Blue Aragonite: helps you feel more at home in unfamiliar surroundings, helping combat anxieties and feelings of home sickness.
Light Blue Obsidian: again, protective. A stone of communication which is beneficial especially whilst travelling to foreign countries. Also ideal for directional knowledge, helping you to avoid getting lost.
Crystals come in our muslin bags with description of crystals.
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.