Sphere shaped Crystals expand there energy evenly through the room as they emit their energy from all sides. The energy is very balancing and can create a balanced stable energy to your home, and can stimulate a positive energy flow to chaotic environments. They remind us that we are whole and complete and that we are connected to the earth. They have been used for centuries as a divination tool by psychics and mediums to foresee the future.
Orange Calcite Sphere 246g
Chakras: Sacral/Solar-Plexus
Elements: Fire
Zodiac: Cancer/Leo
Metaphysical Properties:
- Orange calcite is a highly energizing and cleansing stone, especially for the lower chakras and opens, activates and recharges the sacral chakra.
- Because of its positive energy orange calcite help take away the fear of working with your psychic abilities and intuition.
- It clears and uplifts the atmosphere of negative vibrations, and adds a positive and happy vibration to your space.
- Can aid in channeling, astral travel, and out of body experiences. It can also assist the soul in recalling experiences upon returning to the physical body after trance work.
- Helps you let go of old habits, attitudes, and points of view that are stopping your spiritual and emotional growth.
- Restores mental and emotional equilibrium.
- Dissolves problems and maximizes potential, and is particularly helpful to help people with phobias.
- Assists you in releasing past traumas that have been holding you back, creating space for hope and joy to enter your life.
- Soothes emotions, eliminates fear, reduces anxiety, conquers sadness.
- Unleashes imagination, removes negative energy, empowers emotional recovery, revealing a new beginning to live your desired life.
Price is for 1 only
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.