Rainbow Aura Quartz - Cluster 170g
Chakras: Crown
Elements: Air
Zodiac: Aquaris
Angel Aura Quartz is Clear Quartz bonded with Silver and Platinum, and carries an extremely peaceful and loving energy.
Metaphysical Properties:
- Angel Aura Quartz is a perfect crystal for use when meditation especially for those who struggle to quieten the mind.
- Helps you to connect to the angelic realm and to higher dimensions and is excellent for use in Out of Body Experiences, and astral travel.
- Assists you to unleash your inner magic and connect with the ethereal world of unicorns.
- Exudes a magical aura, boosts spirits, and promotes appreciation for inner radiance and the wonder of the natural world.
- Brings deep insights into relationships on all levels, and assists in letting go of karmic ties which may be linked from a past life.
- Helps you gain clarity and vanquish anxiety or low vibration thoughts, especially for people who struggle with overthinking or worry.
Price is for 1 only
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
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