Crystal Pyramids anchor and direct energies, they ground and stabilize energy while still directing the energy out of the point. They are great for manifesting your desires as you can bring they energy in and ground it into reality.
Yellow Crazy Lace Agate
Chakras: Base/Sacral/Solar Plexus
Elements: Earth
Zodiac: Libra/Gemini/Pisces/Virgo.
Crazy Yellow Lace Agate is know as the laughter stone.
Metaphysical Properties:
- Brings joy and optimism to those who wear it.
- Will clear energy blockages and bring hidden knowledge or information to light.
- Will work to stabilize your aura, and filter the energies that try to permeate.
- Encourages us to follow our own spiritual path.
- Reminds us to approach the world with a sense of wonder, adventure and excitement.
- Promotes mental agility and encourages flexibility in thinking and action.
- Will show you how to stay present in the moment, no matter how much you've got going on in your life right now.
- Reminds that you will always be able to enjoy the precious little moments.
- Helps you overcome negative or bitterness and will heal you from hatred, anger and resentment.
- Is a stone of support and encouragement.
- Wearing this stone frequently will raise your confidence levels.
- A dish of crazy lace agate in the room promotes joy and laughter at a party.
- Its warm and protective properties promote security, self confidence and self acceptance.
- Crazy lace agate will enhance your luck, abundance and prosperity; you will also enjoy unexpected favor's and pleasant surprises just when you need them.
- Carry when travelling to act as a protector against untoward incidents or accidents
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
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