Delight at creating your very own bath sachets and then soak up the all natural goodness of cocoa butter, shae butter and the delicate fragrance of jasmine and lavender oils.
Infuse your mix with your goddess energy, invite the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis to bless your bath and make it a truly luxurious experience.
This Spell Kit includes Instructions on how to make the bath sachets, all ingredients, a moonstone crystal and 1 spell candle
Unlock your Divine Feminine Energy with this Magickal bath product.
Isis is here to open you up to Love, Beauty and Self-healing, amplified by the power of moon.
Isis comes to show you how to love and be accepting of yourself. Let her guide you on a journey of rebirth through love, putting yourself back together and letting go of that which no longer serves you.
This ritual is amazing on its own but is also a powerful energy booster if used with other spellcraft. It can assist with Divination, information of past lives, fertility, inner beauty and spiritual awareness.
Blessed Be
Not to be taken Internally, For External use only.
Sold as curios only.
Healing and other properties given are for information purposes only and should not be used to replace medical advice or treatment.
Disclaimer: This site is for informative purposes only and its content should not be considered professional advice. While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy it is no replacement for the attention of a dedicated professional.
Mel'z Place cannot be held responsible for any damage and/or injury suffered resulting from actions and/or decisions based on information found on the site. Please do not self diagnose any condition regarding your own or another's health. Always seek professional advice or arrange a consultation.