Palo Santo
Clearing, Purification, Detoxification, Grounding, Sleep, Relaxation, Creativity, Universal Love, Luck
Scientific name: Bursera graveolens
Elements : Air and Water
Planets: Mercury and Venus
Chakras: Sacral, Heart and Crown
Genders: White tinted sticks are Masculine
Yellow tinted sticks are Feminine
Also known as ‘Holy Wood’ it is a spiritual wood that aids communication with the spiritual world.
Balances the inner self, attracts happiness and calms the mind.
Burning palo santo purifies negative energy and brings in feelings of peace, calm and tranquility.
Great to burn as a meditation aid, to help clear your mind.
Burn or carry as a charm to reduce stress and worry.
Use as you would Sage, to cleanse harmful energies from people, places and objects.