Sphere shaped Crystals expand there energy evenly through the room as they emit their energy from all sides. The energy is very balancing and can create a balanced stable energy to your home, and can stimulate a positive energy flow to chaotic environments. They remind us that we are whole and complete and that we are connected to the earth.
They have been used for centuries as a divination tool by psychics and mediums to foresee the future.
Blue Fluorite 362g
Chakras: Throat /Third Eye
Elements: Air/Water
Zodiac: Capricorn/Pisces
Metaphysical Properties:
- Blue Fluorite is an ideal stone for spiritual awakening and reprogramming karmic patterns.
- It helps you connect to your akashic records and enables you explore past lives, learning from those lives so you don't need to repeat the same lessons this life time.
- Helps you communicate to your spiritual guides and ancestors through meditation.
- It heals fragmentation from the present or past lives, and cleanses and stabilizes the auric field. It is great for empaths as it helps them feel what others are feeling without holding on to it.
- Cleanses the upper chakras and protects from psychic manipulation. Used with the Throat chakra Blue Fluorite allows you to express your spiritual truth to others and not feel insecure about discussing it.
- Helps you trust the flow of life and helps you not try and control the direction of your journey, and It helps you trust and have faith in the universe.
- Heightens mental abilities and can bring mental clarity and stability to chaotic situations.
- Helps improve your concentration and problem solving abilities.
- Helps us let go of obsessions, frustrations and disappointments.
- Brings calm and serene energies allowing inner peace to flow.
- Helps you communicate in a clear and precise manner not allowing your emotions to overwhelmed you whilst speaking.
- Encourages creativity to flow in your life and looking for creative solutions in life.
Price is for 1 only
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
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