Heart shape crystals are a beautiful reminder that you are surrounded by love, and that you are a divine being of love. They help us work on receiving and accepting love from others and also love of self. Placing on your heart charka they will help heal, open and clear blockages that are stopping you from accepting and receiving love. They will help you create a better sense of self and that you are worthy of greatness.
Rainbow Moonstone Heart
Chakra: Sacral/Third Eye/Crown
Element: Water
Zodiac: Cancer/Libra/Scorpio
Part of the Plagioclase feldspar family, Rainbow Moonstone is actually a variety of labradorite and displays a beautiful Labradorescence.
Metaphysical Properties:
- Intensifies your feminine' goddess' energy, Its beautiful iridescent glow helps you shine your feminine energy out into the world.
- Instills a sense of peace and assures that it's okay and safe to embody your feminine power.
- Will help you access your intuition, inner wisdom, and it will help heighten your psychic abilities and clairvoyance.
- Expands your crown chakra, allowing you access to your gifts and magic that you have buried deep inside yourself.
- Brings balance and calm to the mind and helps keep mental clarity through out the day.
- Creates the ability to think for oneself instead of allowing others to sway your decisions.
- Keeps your mind clear of negative energies that might attach themselves to your brain
- Helps stabilize your emotions and helps accept yourself for who you are.
- Gives you comfort and guidance in times of need.
- Has a gentle nurturing energy and helps you stay calm without letting your emotions to overtake you.
- Will help fend off others emotions so that they don't dump them on to you.
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
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