Sphere shaped Crystals expand there energy evenly through the room as they emit their energy from all sides. The energy is very balancing and can create a balanced stable energy to your home, and can stimulate a positive energy flow to chaotic environments. They remind us that we are whole and complete and that we are connected to the earth. They have been used for centuries as a divination tool by psychics and mediums to foresee the future.
Chakras: Heart
Elements: Earth/Water
Zodiac: Taurus/Libra
Rose Quartz is Known as the stone of Unconditional Love and Infinite Peace.
Metaphysical Properties:
- One of the most important crystals for the heart and the heart chakra teaching the true essence of love
- It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion, peace, tenderness, nourishment and comfort.
- Draws off negative energy replaces with loving vibes.
- Dissolving emotional wounds, fears, resentments, and circulates a divine loving energy throughout the entire aura.
- Encourages self forgiveness and acceptance, and invokes self-trust and self-worth.
- Calming, reassuring, and excellent for use in trauma or crisis.
- Reawakens the heart to its own innate love, it provides a deep sense of personal fulfilment and contentment.
- Allows one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others.
- It strengthens empathy and sensitivity and aids the acceptance of necessary change.
- Opens your heart so that you can become receptive to love and is effective at attracting love.
- In existing relationships it will restore trust and harmony, and encourage unconditional love.
- Inspires the love of beauty in oneself and others.
- Stimulates the imagination – art, music and the written word.
- Inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother,
If you have loved and lost rose quartz comforts your grief.