Heart shape crystals are a beautiful reminder that you are surrounded by love, and that you are a divine being of love. They help us work on receiving and accepting love from others and also love of self. Placing on your heart charka they will help heal, open and clear blockages that are stopping you from accepting and receiving love. They will help you create a better sense of self and that you are worthy of greatness.
Unakite 20mm Hearts
Chakras: Heart
Elements: Fire/Water
Zodiac: Scorpio/Gemini/Libra.
Unakite is a stone of Vision
Metaphysical Properties
- Encourages visionary abilities by opening your psychic vision and can be used as a casting crystal for scrying.
- Provides grounding when needed and can be useful after meditation or psychic work.
- Facilitates re-birthing, bringing to light and integrating insight from the past about the cause of blockages.
- Gentle releases conditions that inhibit spiritual growth.
- Helpful in past-life healing for going back to the source of a problem and reframing it.
- promotes patience and persistence, and gradually eliminates bad habits and the thoughts and patterns that perpetuate them.
- Brings a calm gentle energy.
- Resonates with the frequency of love, compassion & kindness.
- Brings together the abundant, nurturing energy of green with the soft caring passion of pink of the heart.
- Balances the emotional body.
Please note: crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
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